Succumb to the Succubus
Succumb to the Succubus
THE Topless POV fuck of your life! & your last : )you awaken to the sound of your own heartbeat, or at least you thought you were awake until you see the Woman. Before your conscious mind has a chance to register, She is sitting on your legs and telling you to Ssshhhhhh, youre still fast asleep, this is only a dream. She smiles slowly, youre inclined to believe what this devastatingly beautiful Woman says to you, how can She be real? BUT you can feel Her weight on your body, and you swear you can feel the heat of Her PUSSY through the bed sheets all the way to your twitching cock. She whispers sweet words which make your balls ache, She moves her body in way which makes your mind MELT. She flashes you a smile as She says every KISS from Her lips will make your body HEAVIER, and they do, youre body is soon immobile, you cant move at all. So heavy, utterly POWERLESS. She sees the FEAR in your eyes, She soothes you When My hot, wet, tight pussy slides down your hard aching dick, ALL resistance ALL fear will VANISH, you will LET GO, and and surrender. The pleasure will take over. Without knowing why or how, you know you want this, you NEED this to happen. and then you are being taken DEEP inside of Her, you still cant move, you can only lay there and scream in ecstasy inside the darkness of your mind as She grinds and WRITHES all over your hard cock. Im to going to fuck every last drop of cum out of you, Im going to keep fucking you even after youve cum, Im going to drain your balls of all CUM and your body of all LIFE you notice that you are not scared, not enough, you couldnt stop Her even if you wanted to, you have NO thoughts, just this PLEASURE, just these PERFECT breasts in your face and Her pussy gripping and pulsing around you dickyou want to cum, She says She can feel youre closeand finally, as She allows you to orgasm, She fucks you harder, sucking every last drop if life force from you give it to Me, just Let go. She cums. As the light slowly leaves your eyes and your body bucks beneath Her, your power, you pleasure, your LIFE becoming HERS.*Listen with Earphones*Contains: trance, muscle relaxation, imbedded commands, indirect hip no, deepener triggers, executrix, pov fuck, tit worship, latex, boots, tease, fantasy.
File Size :519 MB
Resolution :960 x 540 MPEG-4
Duration :00:25:29
Thumbnails :

28 March 2019
2 323