Alexandra Your New Trigger Trance
Alexandra Your New Trigger Trance
You've heard my trigger words before. You hear the words "Go Down" or "Deeply Asleep" from my lips and your mind begins to relax. But even though you are well train you still require an induction. You still require me to hold your hand to bring you all the way down to the deepest levels of your mind. Today, we're going to bypass all of those upper levels and go straight down to the basement. I'm going to walk you down a hallway and at the end off it will be your most vulnerable parts. In there I will plant a seed. Your new trigger phrase will bring you all the way down with just a few words and a snap of my fingers. I want to recreate you and down there in the deepest crevices of your mind are where I will mold you. With just a word you are clay in my hands.
File Size :661 MB
Resolution :1280 x 720 MPEG-4
Duration :00:17:54
Thumbnails :

08 February 2020
1 365