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That Kinky Girl - Remote Pee

Dixie gets a new magical remote control in the mail and is excited to show     it off to her friend Jamie but Jamie just laughs at her saying that     there's no such thing as a remote control that controls people. Dixie zaps     her with it and makes her drink a sip of her tea to prove her wrong but     Jamie isn't impressed saying that she was about to sip her tea anyway and     it was just a coincidence. So Dixie decides to turn the heat up a notch     and zaps Jamie telling her to take off her clothes. Jamie continues to     laugh at Dixie insisting that her remote would never work and not even     realizing that she has stood up and is beginning to take off her clothes     as she speaks. It's Dixie's turn to laugh as she points out to Jamie what     she's doing and Jamie begins to freak out, not being able to stop     stripping and insisting that Dixie stop fooling around and making her late     for work. Once she's completely naked, Jamie lunges for the remote to make     Dixie stop but Dixie is too quick and uses it to freeze Jamie in place     before she can get to the remote. With Jamie frozen but still able to     talk, Dixie ponders what she will make her do next to humiliate her and     punish her for not believing in her. She zaps her and simply tells her to     pee. As Jamie continues to protest she is unable to control her body as     she spreads her legs and begins to pee on the floor, much to her dismay.     After she's emptied her bladder, Jamie begs Dixie to stop messing with her     as Dixie continues to laugh at Jamie's humiliation. Suddenly, Dixie laughs     so hard that she loses her grip on the remote and it goes flying across     the room. Jamie sees what happens and immediately grabs it. Now she has     the chance to turn the tables and get back at Dixie for humiliating her     and she proceeds to put Dixie through the same ordeal, first making her     strip and then making her pee on the floor. Jamie isn't done enacting her     revenge, however, as she them makes Dixie clean up both of their pee     puddles and then makes her promise to pay Jamie's half of the rent. After     teaching Dixie her lesson, Jamie runs off to get ready for work as Dixie     chases after her trying to get her hands back on her remote.

 File Size :406 MB
 Resolution :1920 x 1080, MP4
 Duration :00:06:53


That Kinky Girl - Remote Pee.mp4

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27 August 2024 0 664
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