Trance (Emma Evans) - ICU (Hands-Free-Orgasm Hypnosis MP3)
Trance (Emma Evans) - ICU (Hands-Free-Orgasm Hypnosis MP3)
You've signed the consent forms, and now that wicked Dr. M has you down deep, so deep you're practically in a coma...She can do whatever She wants, while the nurses watch!
Fetish elements: Includes but is not limited to... latex gloves, helplessness, coma, perfume, clinical/medical discussion of patient, medical equipment sounds [stereo effects version only], being watched.
Category: Femdom Hypnosis
Tags: #erotic #Femdom #seduction #helpless #perfume #forced #Latex #medical #being watched
By: Trance
16 October 2017
5 825