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Stage of Statues

Stage of Statues
Stage of Statues

“Hello? The door was I just let myself in…” Ludella, the curvaceous red-haired model, cautiously enters the theater looking around. “I’m the model hired for the exhibition. Is anyone there?” She notices a note left for her on the stage.
Ludella, Had to run out. Please change into robe. I’ll be back shortly. -MM
“MM...Mystery Man...No, it’s probably something cooler for an artist.” Little does she know that MM is for the Mannequin Maker, and she’s about to become part of his permanent collection.
She looks around again. “This place is a little creepy…” Then, looking at the mannequins posed on stage, she jokes, “Guess the other models already showed up. Haha.” She changes into the robe left for her, slowly stripping out of her clothes before slipping it on. “I feel like I’m being watched…” She peers at the mannequins.
“I wonder if I’m supposed to be posed like a mannequin?” Hopping up onto the stage, she begins posing and making dorky jokes about the silent dolls surrounding her. Meanwhile...she is being watched. POV pops his head up from behind the theater chairs to watch the magic happen. His model is about to freeze before his eyes, slowly transforming into a statue like the others around her...and that’s just what happens. There’s a pop and a flash of lights and Ludella suddenly finds she’s unable to move her foot. “Whhhhaaaaatttt’’ssss haaaapppppeeeennnniiiinnnngggg? Whhhhhaaaatttt’ssss wrrrrrooooonnnngggg wiiiiittthhhh mmmmyyyy vooooooiiiiiiccccceee?” Time is coming to a standstill and she’s witnessing it as it happens to her, unable to stop it. She realizes it must be the robe that’s causing her to feel like she’s moving through cement---like her body’s stiffening, so she removes it, but she’s too slow. The magic has already been set. Her body hardens. And just like that, she’s become a mannequin among mannequins.
POV now creeps out to inspect his prize. He slowly moves his hand over the breasts of all the dolls on his stage...his STAGE OF STATUES… He comes back to the newest, of course. He has not played with her yet, and he wants to pose his new doll. He manipulates her limbs, posing her how he pleases...groping her curves...her big booty...her big juicy tits...panning up and down her body. He brushes the hair from her glassy eyes, staring blankly ahead, no matter which way he poses her.
He’s not sure how he wants her yet, so he tries a few different poses, making sure to step back and check it out from different angles, checking out her curvy body...her fair skin...those doll eyes… He poses her with one of the other mannequins, pulling her big booty toward him. He slaps it around, then decides he wants to see her face. In the end, he decides he wants her posed on her knees, in a slave’s position. He puts her hands on her tits, holding them up for him. He lifts her chin so that her glassy eyes are looking up at him, and he unbuckles his belt. Let the exhibition begin.

File Size :91.3 MB
Resolution :1280 x 720 MPEG-4
Duration :00:16:54
Thumbnails :

Rating: 2.5 | Votes: 2
19 July 2019 0 3 686
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